Pug (
Thu, 16 Feb 1995 07:06:10 -0600 (CST)

>>> Installable File System.  One of the uses is to, for example, put a large 
>>> disk on one machine and have many others share it so that it is 
>>> indistinguishable from a local disk if the link is fast enough.
>> Wrong (in this context) thats NFS.
>   Actually, in this context it's AFS.

Just to end this and hopefully get on to something better.

All 3 of you are right. IFS is used in this context in the PC world for
NT, OS2 or something like that. NFS is used in the UNIX world for network
disks. AFS is the Andrew File System. As well, you have DFS, which is
the Distributed File System.

ObBug: /usr/openin/bin/xterm under SunOs 4.1.x will leave the tty mode
666 as stated here previously. After opening a call with Sun, they will
not fix it, because they have to rewrite most of their OS, despite the
fact that xterm released with X11R5 doesn't have this problem.


Richard Bainter          Mundanely     |    System Analyst        - OMG/CSD
Pug                      Generally     |    Applied Research Labs - U.Texas  |  |  |  {any user}
Note: The views may not reflect my employers, or even my own for that matter.